Flirting With Forever is here!!

Flirting with Forever is on the shelves today! This book has such a special place in my heart because, honestly, I don’t know if I’ve ever had a story flow so easily. Maybe because parts of it reflect my own love story?

Long before we fell in love, my husband and I ran into one another walking around New York City. We were casual acquaintances at the time and it was a warm, fall day so we thought, why not take a stroll through the park together? …and then we were both pretty bored.

Years later we confirmed with the other that we’d each had the thought “Is this a match? Nah.” Lol. Over the next year of bumping into one another in our social circle, we —very slowly— began to see different sides of one another. You can probably guess the rest. 

I assume there are some people who know exactly what and who they want and they go out and chase after it. And then there are people who have no idea what the heck they want and are (hopefully) lucky enough to bump into it a hundred times in a year. 

This brings me to Mary and John. Maybe my favorite couple I’ve ever written? They go from genuinely thinking they’ll never date to crushing on each other so hard they can barely see straight. They both want so badly to see one another with crystal clarity but, of course, that takes time. It takes communication. So when they are finally able to burn through the smoke screens of misconceptions and misunderstandings to truly, truly see one another, the sudden HD is shocking and overwhelming and life changing. 

For them it was, I like you I like you I like you BAM holy smokes, I love you. They love one another so much because they know one another. And, in a lovely surprise to both of them, they are able to know one another even better because they already love one another. Chicken or the egg? It doesn’t matter. 

Some books pop into your head out of nowhere with a single scene that shows you exactly who the characters are meant to be (this one involved some very cute, very dorky dancing just in the nick of time). Some books just make you happy to write. They make you happy to edit. They make you happy when the cover design shows that perfect time of day when light is finally mixing —surrendering— into the evening. They make you happy to hold in your hand. And most of all, they make you happy to share. Please enjoy Flirting with Forever. And take care of Mary and John for me!


Call Me Maybe is here!